Fill out your eCard and find weekend sermon resources.
Sign up to attend events or classes easily.
Set up and manage your giving.
See your groups and interact with them.
Faster children's check-in.
Update your profile.
Log in and STAY logged in.

After downloading the app or accessing the website, you will be asked to log in using a mobile phone number or email. You will receive a temporary code via text or email, which is needed to log into your profile. You will be asked to set up an account if this is your first visit. Once you are logged in, you can stay logged in for easier access next time.

To access your account, click on your image or the smiley face in the top right corner. Under "My profile & settings," you can edit your personal information and update information for members of your household. Under "My Giving," find your giving history, update your payment method, and find prior giving statements. Access these features and more, or call or email the church office if you need help!