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Womens conference studyt classroom


Weekly Meetings

Midweek studies on Wednesday evenings (DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR)

Women's Bible study on Wednesday mornings 


Sharing our lives to share the Gospel

Jesus taught through stories. There is great power in storytelling and personal testimonies. At Refresh, we grow closer to God and each other as we hear testimonies from other women in our church. It is always a blessing to listen and to be heard in this way.

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We want to be women after God's heart. Join a study to dig deep and build community.

2 women lobby flc
2 Corinthians 3:2-3

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. Not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Upcoming Events

Join Us!

Women's Coffee Connection

This group of ladies typically meets together on Tuesdays for a time of fellowship and coffee at The Branch. The focus for gathering is to connect and start a conversation with one another.

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Spring Cleaning Collection Drive

We are collecting cleaning products to benefit three mission partners --International House, Place of Grace and Redemption House. These organizations focus on serving immigrants, refugees and women. Click "Learn More" for a list of needs.

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Membership Class

Those 16+ who have taken our intro class, eConnect, are invited to join us for our next Membership Class. Pastor Josh will discuss our church's history, structure, and values, as well as, answer questions about life here at ECC. The deadline to sign up is Monday, March 3rd.

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Women's Bible Study: A Study of Galatians

This is a unique 8-week Bible Study, where there are no study guides or videos—just you, the Bible, and enjoying conversation with other women! There is no cost, just bring your Bible as well as a journal/notebook for this study.

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Women's Ministry: Craft Night

These events are tailored for women to come together and engage in various craft and hobby projects. Whether you're new to a hobby, have pinned inspiring project ideas (yet haven't started), or just want an opportunity to make new friends, we'd love for you to join us!

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OASIS Women's Prayer Coffee and Praise

On the third Thursday of each month, this senior group of ladies get together for coffee, fellowship, praise, prayer, and a hymn of worship.

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Looking to grow spiritually? Join a study!

Whether you are looking to join a study in-person or online, we know there is a study that will fit your desire to grow.