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FLC Worship Team Singing

Service Times & Locations


Please visit our Easter page for additional services, events, added service times, and children's programming information.
6:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM

On-Site Worship Services

12222 US Hwy 24W - Fort Wayne, IN 46814

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This is our main worship location. The Worship Center has a live band for worship and is the location where the speaker gives the message. The speaker is streamed live to all locations.

FLC Worship Team Singing 1
The Family Life Center (FLC)

The FLC is our gymnasium which has been converted into a worship space for Sunday services. The FLC is available on Sundays for those looking for a more casual worship experience. The FLC has a live worship band with the message streamed live from the Worship Center.

The Commons

This worship location is great for those with active, young children. The service is streamed live to The Commons for parents to worship in community worry-free.

ONLINE Casey speaking

Online Services

Emmanuel Online is available during all service times. At service time, simply go to the home page and click the "Watch Live" banner at the top. You can also save the direct link as a bookmark on your internet browser and click directly there during service times.