We are dedicated to bringing hope and healing through the gospel to people near and far. Working together, we can bring the good news of the Kingdom to many people in Fort Wayne and across the world. Consider how you may play a role in making disciples through our partners, mission trips, or serving at Emmanuel.
Reaching Far

Jenaya Bonner
UB Global, Macau
Jenaya Bonner has worked in Macau since 2010. Before COVID, she taught English, facilitated discipleship multiplication, and served in a variety of other ministries. God has opened the doors for her to complete a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education at a local Macau university. This will give her a visa, expanded credentials to teach in Macau, connections to local schools, connections to local schools, and contacts with people in the community. She is from Emmanuel Community Church.

Dave and Cathie Datema
Frontier Ventures, California
Dave's job is to gather "intelligence" from the mission world that can help stimulate and guide thought leaders in the mission enterprise. The focus is on barriers that prevent the gospel from gaining entrance into unreached people groups. In his role, Dave serves on the Lausanne Least Reached Peoples Network, a global network seeking to bring the gospel to the unreached, and is Board Chairman for UB Global.

UB Global
Emma serves the Shoptar tribal Muslim people group in two locations. She is learning language and serving alongside local teams.

Brian and Rachel Glunt
Good Soil Community Center, Thailand
The Glunt Family is in Thailand where they serve through a community center in an urban neighborhood. They provide services such as teaching English, visiting homes, and leading ministry to children. Their focus is on building relationships with the local community to be a blessing. In Thailand, less than half of 1% of ethnic Thais are Christian. It is common for a Thai Buddhist to live their entire life without ever knowing a Christian. The Glunt family is from Emmanuel Community Church.

HOPE International
HOPE International provides Christ-centered financial tools, including microfinance and savings groups, that empower individuals to use their God-given skills and creativity, restoring dignity and self-worth. Through small loans, safe savings opportunities, training, and discipleship, HOPE International helps people find their true satisfaction in Christ.

International NeedS
ECC works with the Palacios family and team in Barranquilla supporting and sending teams to work with the local church and a Christian school, Rosa de Saron, in medical ministry, sewing ministry, work with children, construction, relief work with Venezuelan refugees and church planting in little reached areas.

Chris and Kelly Lillpop
Josiah Venture, Poland
Chris and Kelly serve in the US on the JV International team in the area of partner development. They are working to expand and deepen JV’s partnerships with churches and universities across the US. Previously, they served for 8 years in camping ministry with JV Poland. The Lillpop's attend Emmanuel Community Church.

Adam and Ola Löffler
Josiah Venture, Poland
Adam and Ola work throughout Poland mentoring volunteer youth leaders in multiple churches to impact young people in their area. They also provide leadership to "Plan A" which trains future youth leaders in Poland.

UB Global
Mia serves the Oshari people in a restricted access country. She is studying language and culture while working with a team of missionaries.

UB Global
M serves through community development, church planting, and education in a restricted-access country. She has faithfully served there for decades. M has many ties with ECC.

Korban and Tanya Miller
Josiah Venture, Poland
The Millers have been serving in Poland since 2013, launching and leading Poland's Fusion ministry. Fusion equips Polish believers to reach the next generation through high-energy rock bands and choirs. Korban and Tanya love how Fusion combines their passion for both music and discipleship. They've had the privilege of training 11 churches across Poland to use music as a tool to build relationships and share the love of Jesus with teens in their communities.

Jacob Osborn
Trans World Radio, North Carolina
Jacob serves as an intern at the US office of Trans World Radio (TWR.) He assists with online content for this ministry that seeks to share the Gospel through radio and online media across the globe.

UB GLobal
UB Global is the mission arm of United Brethren (UB) in Christ churches in Canada and the U.S. For nearly 200 years, they've been working with churches, organizations, and individuals to impact some of the most Gospel-deprived places around the world. Their vision is to mobilize, send, partner, and pioneer into new areas.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators serves the body of Christ to advance Bible translation so people across the globe can encounter God through His Word. ECC’s partnership with Wycliffe focuses on translation needs in restricted access nations.
Reaching NEAR
Local Partnerships

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FCA desires to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church using camps, equipping coaches, pursuing discipleship in all, and engaging with the community.
Motivated by the love of Christ, A Hope Center heals hearts and saves lives by providing free pregnancy services, resources, and education to nurture sexual, emotional, and spiritual health.
International House
International House is a non-denominational Christian organization committed to sharing the love and light of Jesus Christ with refugees and other Internationals living in the Fort Wayne area. They assist and cooperate with Christian churches that desire to develop or expand their outreach to the international community in the Fort Wayne area.
The Phoenix Alliance
The vision of TPA is to come alongside victim-survivors of human trafficking. Our Indiana ministry focuses on advocating for and mentoring survivors and preventing future exploitation within our community.
Place of Grace
Place of Grace provides Christ-Centered residential recovery services to help women break cycles of destructive behaviors related to addiction, trauma and poverty. They serve women exiting incarceration and inpatient substance abuse treatment who need support for their next steps.
The Rescue Mission
Fort Wayne Rescue Mission and its associated ministries provides restorative care to men, women, and children experiencing a homeless crisis. Their ministry serves Fort Wayne, Allen County, and its eleven surrounding counties. Their mission seeks to provide, through the power of Jesus Christ, a home for the homeless, food for the hungry, and hope for their future.
Mark and Kim Searles
Tri-Grace Ministries, Utah
The Searles role in Ephraim, Utah is in evangelism and working with college interns. They do this through proclaiming the Gospel, defending the trustworthiness of the Bible, and serving those impacted by Mormonism. The Searles are from Emmanuel Community Church.
Local connections

Inasmuch Ministries
Inasmuch is a benevolence ministry in downtown Fort Wayne focusing on food, clothes, household and hygiene items, bus passes, obtaining birth/death/marriage certificates, and limited financial assistance for housing and utilities.
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New Mercies Ministries
New Mercies Ministries is a gospel-centered organization providing supportive connections, safe housing, and restorative services for women and families, empowering them to gain stability and ultimately live independently.
Redemption House
Redemption House is about a fresh start in life providing a network of transition homes for women who desire to redeem their lives from past destructive behavior by developing a faith-based lifestyle and by gaining the skills necessary to achieve and maintain success.
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Ministry Assistant for Missions

Missions Director
REACH ministry wants to help you engage in God’s work around the world through connecting you with our partners. Whether it be donating goods, volunteering locally, or traveling overseas on a short-term trip, we are excited to come alongside of you in service. Let us know how we can help.