quick and easy pre-registration
We encourage families with children (infant through 5th grade) to enter door 1 where one of our children's ministry greeters or staff will assist you. We believe that what we do in the children's ministries is extremely important so we strive to provide quality programming that is not only fun but transforming!
Our staff will help you register your child and direct you to his/her class. Allow 15 minutes on your first visit to get your child checked in. Go ahead and fill out a form to make your first-time experience checking in much quicker!

The safety of your children is a high priority to us. In order to provide a high level of security, we ask all parents to check in their children inside of door 1.
You will receive a printed name tag for each child and a matching security-coded name tag for the guardian picking up the child. Each child must have a name tag before entering his/her classroom and can only be picked up when the guardian presents the matching security name tag to the classroom teacher.