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Help others of all abilities access the gospel.

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Margo 5s 4

FALL Ball Team

The ABLE Fall Ball Team works together to host an annual prom for individuals with special needs 14+ as an way to shower them with love and to celebrate them for the daughters and sons of the King that they were created to be. It is a large community outreach event. Team Members will be able to select from a variety of roles for the evening, such as one-on-one buddy, hair and make up, parking team, volunteer check-in, red carpet, and more. 

Minimum Age: 13

Commitment: one time event

Background check: required

Sign Up
DM4 B1737

Friends' Club Team 

Serve families with special needs by giving parents a few hours alone together to care for themselves while the Friends' Club Team celebrates their children and their siblings with a fun evening of dinner, games, and activities. For each event, Team Members will have the option to select a specific role for the evening.

Minimum Age: 11 (younger kids welcome if accompanied by parent)

Commitment: 2-3 hours, every other month during school year

Background check: required

Sign Up
IMG 3092

instructional aide

ABLE Aides help make The Word accessible to children with all abilities by assisting classroom teachers with 2-3 children in their room who have mild needs. They may give the children some small group attention or assist with sensory breaks as needed.

Minimum Age: 13

Commitment: 1.5 hours weekly, 1 year

Background check: required

IMG 2030

One-on-one buddy 

A buddy is paired with a child with special needs and helps to make individual accommodations and adaptations whenever possible to help them be included in the classroom experience, and to hear The Word in the way that best reaches them. Buddies are encouraged to develop a relationship with this child to help them better understand a relationship with Jesus.

Minimum age: 11

Commitment: 1.5 hours weekly, 1 year

Background check: required

Able night to shine 2024

Support Group Leader

ABLE provides monthly support to families who have children with special needs, in addition to foster families and adoptive families, in order to provide an opportunity for parents to share stories and resources and to be surrounded by people who have experienced similar situations. A leader's responsibility is to communicate with participants for meeting reminders and updates, maintain a loving and understanding environment, and plan activities or discussions for the monthly gathering. This may include, but is not limited to, Bible studies, guest speakers, or book discussions.

Minimum Age: 21

Commitment: monthly, 1 year
