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reach near and far to show the love of jesus.

explore opportunities

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A vital component of serving locally and globally includes safe transport. Drivers are needed for mission trip teams and to assist with deliveries to local partners.

Minimum Age: 21

Commitment: as needed

Thailand team reach missions

eat and reach team

Eat and Reach luncheons give attendees the opportunity to engage with our partners in a more intimate setting, ask questions and encourage them. These lunches occur 4-6 times a year, on Sundays at 12pm. Individuals can serve by preparing/ordering food and doing event set up.

Minimum Age: none

Commitment: 4-6 times a year

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REACH Serve Colombia Fish fry

Fish fry team

The Fish Fry serves as a fundraiser for mission teams as well as an opportunity for attendees to enjoy a time of fellowship. This is a large event with a variety of ways to serve, including: setup, registration, assisting with the preparation of food, serving food, and cleanup.

Minimum Age: none

Commitment: annual event

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Missions trips students

local service

Serving locally allows us to share the love of Jesus outside the walls of Emmanuel with the communities of Northeast Indiana. We are privileged to serve alongside our local partners. Upcoming opportunities include serving lunch at the Rescue Mission, helping with a summer day camp at International House, or the Great American Cleanup. 

Minimum Age: none

Commitment: as needed


missionary host

Hospitality is a vital component in welcoming and encouraging our partners. Individuals are invited to share time with our partners. This may include inviting them for a meal or providing transportation.

Minimum Age: 21

Commitment: as needed

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Students missions trips

mission Trip participant

God calls some people to be his hands and feet and serve alongside our partners for a short-term trip. Opportunities are available annually to serve on a mission team nationally and internationally. By signing up, you will be kept informed of upcoming opportunities as they are scheduled.

Minimum Age: anyone

Commitment: as needed

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