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The End and the Beginning

Nov 20, 2011
Dennis Miller

This message shows Simon Peter beginning to lead the disciples, but his first act of leadership is in the wrong direction. That is ok because Jesus appears and gives them new insights about the right direction to take. In this passage, we see the value of working and allowing the Lord to direct our paths. We also see that Jesus is able to direct everything around us for His glory!

Nov 13, 2011
Dennis Miller

This message is about the man Thomas and his desire to see Jesus. We will see that Thomas would only believe when he saw with his own eyes. John tells us that we can believe because of the evidence that he shares with us.

Nov 06, 2011
Dennis Miller

In this passage of Scripture, we see something new from the resurrection that we don’t talk about -- peace! In fact, Jesus says, “peace be with you” three times, which He has never said before this! We will look at the concept of peace, then study a brief message and instruction that Jesus gave His apostles after the resurrection. And, we will hopefully be comforted by understanding what true peace really is.

Oct 16, 2011
Dennis Miller

In the last series from the Gospel of John, we learn how everything transitioned because of the resurrection. Today we see that move from LISTENING TO TELLING. Following His resurrection, Jesus told His followers to go and tell. Today’s passage shows us that Mary Magdalene was the first to be given this assignment and we see her faithfulness.

Oct 09, 2011
Dennis Miller

This message begins the last series in our nearly two-year study of the Gospel of John. This series will cover John 20 & 21 and show us how things changed -- the end of some things and the beginnings of others. Hopefully, we will learn how to embrace times of “new beginnings” in our lives. Today’s study is to see how the confusion of the disciples ended and how they began to see the truth. The same happens to all of us who confess Christ at some point.