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1 Peter: Salvation

Jul 05, 2020
Mark Vincenti
1st Peter

This week we continue our series in 1 Peter. As we explore 1 Peter 2:4-10, we’ll focus on two key truths that unite us: our Savior and how His salvation has given us a new identity as His people. I trust we will find it encouraging and inspiring.

Jun 28, 2020
Steve Fish, Gary Dilley
1st Peter

Peter turns a corner this week in our passage moving from a description of salvation to what is required of each of us in response to this great gift. We find that this gift has an impact on each of our relationships! This weekend, in light of the gift of salvation given to us, what is the appropriate response to Him and to other people?

Jun 21, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

We continue our walk through 1 Peter and see the benefits of suffering and the joy of living in New Testament times.  Peter explains some things that you really don’t see elsewhere in Scripture.  It is very interesting!

Jun 10, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

We are excited to begin our 12-week, verse-by-verse study of 1 Peter.  As Peter writes to a “scattered people,” he reminds them of three important truths.  They have a real salvation; they are now strangers in this world, and suffering will be part of life, but God has a plan even in it.  This week, we begin the study of our salvation by looking at a LIVING HOPE.  These 12 weeks can be good discipleship for some and a great reminder of others!