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1 Peter: Strangers

Aug 09, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

We conclude the second portion of 1 Peter which has focused on being Strangers in the World.  This week, we talk about strangers to even ourselves as Peter gives some final thoughts.  This section even ends with a benediction.

Aug 02, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

Peter continues talking about Christians being “STRANGERS” in the world and this week he speaks directly to all Christians — to the church.  He give us a checklist on how to treat one another and then instructions on interactions with non-believers.  The last part of this passage is considered to be one of the toughest to understand in the New Testament, but I think we can break it down so that it makes sense.

Jul 26, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

We continue the focus on “strangers in this world” as we look within our own homes.  This passage is specifically written to husbands or wives that have unsaved spouses.  But, it has great encouragement for all couples.  As you’ll learn, this passage is often used out of context, unfortunately.

Jul 19, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

We continue our focus on strangers from 1 Peter 2 and see the author stop to make a parenthetical statement about his odd instructions.  It is masterfully written and is a beautiful picture of Jesus.  It is a short, powerful passage!

Jul 12, 2020
Dennis Miller
1st Peter

There is possibly no passage in all of the Bible that speaks to our concerns in 2020 like that in 1 Peter 2.  This weekend we will again be reminded that God’s Word is “living and active” and always relevant.