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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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5 Days of Christmas

Dec 24, 2023
Dennis Miller Joshua Wilhite

We conclude our series on THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS by looking at the Babe in the Genealogy. The genealogy of Matthew helps us understand how really special this Christ Child was!

*There are no fill-in-the-blank notes for this weekend's sermon*

Dec 17, 2023
Joshua Wilhite

We will continue our series, THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, by taking a look at TWO FAMOUS DADS. We'll see that their track record as everyday dads is just as complicated as anyone else's. And we'll see that behind these two simple names in the genealogy of Jesus, there is a deep message of encouragement for all of us.

Dec 10, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS by looking at the THREE ERAS emphasized by the genealogy in Matthew. This is one of the most interesting studies when you begin to learn the “code” to unpacking Matthew’s message. This week we learn that God is the God of FOREVER!

Dec 03, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on the FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS by looking at the four women who are mentioned in the genealogy. Not only is it unusual, but it teaches us some wonderful lessons.

Nov 26, 2023
Dennis Miller

This weekend, we begin a Christmas series entitled THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS. We will play off the popular song that counts down from 12 to one as we look at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1. This week’s focus is FIVE GOLDEN KINGS.