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Angels of Christmas

Dec 29, 2019
Gary Dilley

December 27-28, 2019

Dec 22, 2019
Dennis Miller

We look at the most famous angel Christmas account as the angels appear to the shepherds.  This week we will be reminded that Jesus wants to be your LORD.

Dec 15, 2019
Dennis Miller

We see the third angel appearance in a visit to Joseph and we learn that God really cares about those He has created.

Dec 08, 2019
Dennis Miller

We continue our ANGELS OF CHRISTMAS series by looking at Gabriel again — but this time, he visits Mary.  Obviously Mary is a key to the Christmas story, but we have studied her in-depth in previous Christmas seasons.  In this study, we will learn more about the words of Gabriel — and therefore more about a God Who keeps His Word!

Dec 01, 2019
Dennis Miller

We begin our Christmas series as we look at THE ANGELS OF CHRISTMAS.  Each weekend we will look at the words of an angel and learn something great about God’s nature. This week, we look at the story of Zechariah and the angel Gabriel.