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Courageous Shepherds

May 19, 2024
Joshua Wilhite
2nd Timothy

We'll finish up our series in 2 Timothy called Courageous Shepherds. We'll listen in as Paul pulls all the major themes of his letter together into one clear charge to Timothy. But we'll also see how Paul gives us his own keys to success in our calling to be courageous shepherds.

May 12, 2024
Joshua Wilhite
2nd Timothy

We will continue our series in 2 Timothy, called Courageous Shepherds. In 2 Timothy 3 we'll listen in as Paul reminds Timothy that he needs to resist the world's pressure to orient himself around his own way of seeing things. We'll explore Paul's life or death charge to cling to God's Word as our North Star - the only true reference point for our lives.

May 05, 2024
Joshua Wilhite
2nd Timothy

We continue our series, Courageous Shepherds by moving into chapter two of 2 Timothy. It is here that Paul will begin to unpack some of the challenges we will all face in our call to be disciples who make disciples.

Apr 28, 2024
Joshua Wilhite
2nd Timothy

This week, we'll be starting a four-week series in the book of 2 Timothy. In a time of leadership transition at Emmanuel, we'll see that Paul had a lot to say to Timothy about their own leadership transition. But the first thing Paul established was a strong reminder about the gospel.