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Deep Mercy

Nov 12, 2023
Dennis Miller

We conclude the DEEP MERCY series by looking at the incredible mercy that God shows to both Jews and Gentiles. The Apostle Paul becomes so overwhelmed as he writes this that he “breaks into song.”

Nov 05, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue to study Romans 9-11 and God’s DEEP MERCY. We will look at Israel as the Olive Tree and see the symbol for Jews and Christians being grafted together in that tree.

Oct 29, 2023
Joshua Wilhite

We will continue our series, Deep Mercy, with Romans 11:1-10. Paul will speak to the question of whether God has finally given up on Israel because of their ongoing rebellion. We will see that He hasn't, and how Paul proves that point. We'll also see that Israel's rebellion is rooted in their insistence that the Law and their effort are what brings life. But, "You can't get there from here."

Oct 22, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on DEEP MERCY and see God’s amazing patience with Israel — and with each of us. It is interesting to study God’s relationship with the Jews during this current crisis in Israel. We are reminded in these chapters that Israel remains His chosen people and someday they will return to Him.

Oct 15, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on DEEP MERCY by looking at the plan of God for both Jews and Gentiles. We will be reminded that many are still counting on the “wrong ticket” to have a right relationship with God.

Oct 08, 2023
Joshua Wilhite

We will step back into our study of Romans by starting a new series that will cover Romans 9-11. After reaching the pinnacle of the book in Romans 8, Paul turns his attention to a few more challenging questions before moving into an extended section of practical application. Romans 9-11 will deal with Israel's relationship with the gospel. But woven into that discussion is a series of big questions that all of us need to work through.

If you missed a recent live broadcast and want to watch the entire worship service (including music and stage presentations), you can find our most recent services HERE.