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Watch our live service: This is Us - 7

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Aug 21, 2011
Dennis Miller
2nd Kings

This message concludes the Elisha series with looking at the concept of leaving a legacy. We see that God did a miracle through Elisha even after he was dead. Although there are several good lessons, we will talk about how we will be remembered and therefore how we must live that we may leave a good legacy.

Aug 14, 2011
Dennis Miller
2nd Kings

This message teaches us about humility and how God can use us when we humble ourselves. We study an important man, Naaman, and see how God was able to do great things in his life, once he was rid of his pride. As we continue the Elisha series, we once again learn that God can use anyone if we have a big faith and a big dream.

Aug 07, 2011
Jason Holliday
2nd Kings

This message continues in the series on Elisha, an amazing man with great faith in God. Along with faith, Elisha had a great compassion for people and God used him in a miraculous way to meet the needs of a poor widow and her sons. He was able to see past the widow’s problem to what God wanted to do in her life. We will learn that God’s power is limitless, that He wants to accomplish something BIGGER in our lives and that His blessings are “Good to the Last Drop”!

Jul 31, 2011
Ron Ramsey
2nd Kings

This message continues the series on an amazing man. We will see how his devotion and commitment, his dedication and calling led him to continue the great ministry of his mentor Elijah. We will learn the value of leaving a Godly legacy for those who follow in their walk of faith. We will see what can be accomplished if we invest ourselves in others and be challenged to pick up our Mantle, the one the God has for us, and “Pass It On” to others so that the message of God keeps going, and going and going!

Jul 24, 2011
Dennis Miller
1st Kings

This message begins a series on an amazing man who was like many of us. We study his life because he was a man of big dreams and big faith! His name was Elisha and for the next five weeks, we will learn about his desire to do great things for God. During the series, we will be challenged to think bigger and to be people of great faith. In this first message, we learn about God’s call and our response.