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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Finding Freedom

Feb 12, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message concludes our first series from Exodus by looking at God's Providence and our Persistence. We are reminded that we God calls us, He expects us to persist, even in apparent failure. He had placed everything we need at our disposal to be effective, and if we persist, He will use us.

Feb 05, 2012
Dennis Miller

Patience: It's not one of our favorite words.  However, when it comes to living within the will of God, it is something that we must learn!  Even though we sense a purpose on our lives, sometimes it takes longer than we would hope to see the good results. In this study of Exodus 5, we will see Moses struggling with patience and wondering what on earth or in Egypt God is doing!

Jan 29, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message continues our study of FREEDOM by understanding that there is great freedom in humility. We will look at the topic of PERSPECTIVE and realize that if we focus on ourselves, we will be afraid and possibly fail. But if we focus on Him who gives us Passion and Purpose, we need not be afraid. In this passage, we see Moses' perspective and realize that it was his biggest problem.

Jan 22, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message brings us to the famous story of the burning bush and teaches us that God had a specific purpose for Moses' life. this story is so familiar but we will be reminded that "When we least expect it, God draws us to Himself, and give us purpose." He is a Holy God with a perfect plan!

Jan 15, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message continues our study of Exodus by seeing God's plan and our passion. God has designed us to do the task that He has designed for us to accomplish. We need to be faithful to our heart's desire because, if we are living in obedience, that desire aligns with God's plan.

Jan 08, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message begin a 6-week series from the Book of Exodus called, Finding Freedom. But, this will also be our theme throughout 2012 as we work our way through Exodus and discover what freedom really means. In this message, we will consider those things which enslave us and we will be reminded that we, like the Israelites, probably need someone to help us!