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For The Common Good

Nov 11, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We conclude our last series of 1 Corinthians by looking at “order in the church".  As you would expect, the Corinthian church was a bit chaotic, and Paul lists some “rules for worship” to restore order.  Like last week’s study, this passage has been the cause of hard feelings and even splits in some churches, but if we study it carefully, I think that we can learn some good principles for our own church. 

Nov 04, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We continue our FOR THE COMMON GOOD series by looking at the issue of the gifts of tongues and prophecy. Paul is very clear on what is preferable, but many struggle with how we handle this in the church today.  Hopefully, this can be very applicable to each of us and to the church collectively.

Oct 28, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

You’ve heard the Love Chapter read at weddings, anniversary parties and many other places.  This weekend we continue our series on FOR THE COMMON GOOD as we see the Love Chapter (1Cor. 13) and its original purpose.  We will dissect the chapter, cutting it into four parts, that I think we give you clarity on its meaning and purpose.

Oct 21, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We study one of the most helpful and clever analogies in the Bible.  In 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, Paul tells us that the church is like the human body.  This illustration goes deeper than one might notice at first glance and becomes a picture for how people in the church should respond to one another.  We will learn some very practical lessons from this text.

Oct 14, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We begin a series called FOR THE COMMON GOOD, as the Apostle Paul begins teaching about spiritual gifts and how we can use them for the good of the entire body.  Very few passages of Scripture have been more divisive over the years than these chapters that we are about to study.  However, the purpose is unity, and we will teach from that perspective.  This first study will focus on what the spiritual gifts are and how they are to be used.