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God's Instagram

Jan 26, 2020
Dennis Miller

We conclude our study of GOD’S INSTAGRAM by finishing the Book of Jude.  This week we see a clever description of false teachers and then learn how we should respond to them.

Jan 19, 2020
Dennis Miller

We move to the last of the “postcards” of the New Testament— Jude.  We will study this book for two weekends because it is a bit longer and a bit more in-depth.  It won’t take you long to see that Jude is “beside himself” over the false teachers and apostates within the church.  

Jan 12, 2020
Dennis Miller
3rd John

We study 3 John and see three men who help us understand the various kinds of people who might be attending our church (any church). It reminds us to look for good role models, but also to BE good role models for newer believers.

Jan 05, 2020
Dennis Miller
2nd John

We begin a four-part series on God’s Instagram — in other words, short communications from the Lord through John and Jude. This weekend we study the Book of 2John which is only 13 verses long but has a powerful message for the new year.