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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Humble Joy

Mar 10, 2019
Dennis Miller

We conclude the HUMBLE JOY series by looking at two young men who are examples of humility.  Timothy, you probably know something about.  The other, Epaphroditus is probably new to you, but I think you’ll be impressed with him.  There are some really good lessons from this concluding section of Philippians 2!

Mar 03, 2019
Dennis Miller

We continue our HUMBLE JOY series, but move to a new section of Philippians 2 to understand the humility of Paul.  This week's study also provides some wonderful insights into the process of salvation — something that many Christians just don’t understand. 

Feb 24, 2019
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on Humble Joy by looking at the EXALTATION of Jesus Christ by His Father.  This is one of the most exciting passages in the New Testament and a great reminder of some basic theology.  And one more reminder — this is also a great passage to memorize.  We will be studying verses 9-11 of Philippians 2. 

Feb 17, 2019
Dennis Miller

We are studying Jesus’ humility and a reminder of His death on a cross.  It is a natural time to take communion.  The amazing passage of Scripture will continue to teach us about the cure for disunity and the incredible example of Jesus Christ.

Feb 10, 2019
Dennis Miller

We study one of the greatest portions of Scripture concerning Christ as we see His pre-existence in Philippians 2:5-6.  Although theological in nature, I think that this passage also provides us some wonderful application.

Feb 03, 2019
Dennis Miller

We begin a new series call HUMBLE JOY as we look at one of the most masterful portions of Scripture in all of the Bible.  For many, this text is a favorite.  I’m going to suggest that you memorize at least a portion of it as it is the antidote to narcissism.  This is probably one of the single most powerful texts that Paul ever penned, and we have the joy of studying it together over the next six weeks!