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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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In The Desert

Mar 22, 2020
Dennis Miller

March 21-22, 2020

Mar 15, 2020
Dennis Miller

We are in Numbers 21 which is a TYPE of Christ in all of the Old Testament.  We will learn about the “snake on the pole,” and how that is still so applicable today.  It is a powerful passage. 

Mar 08, 2020
Dennis Miller

We continue the IN THE DESERT series by jumping 39 years in the story to Numbers 20, but the story is very familiar.  What we learn is that each generation has to learn the same lessons — and God hates our PRIDE.  Although this account is thousands of years old, it was reaffirmed in the New Testament and is extremely applicable today.

Mar 01, 2020
Mark Vincenti

Our Scriptural text is Numbers 14, where we see rebellion emerge in the life of God’s people.

Feb 23, 2020
Gary Dilley

We’ll learn that the Promised Land, for Israel, is a type of the life God intends for us.  A whole generation of Israelites never experienced the Promised Land because fear kept them from moving forward to experience the life God wanted for them. Our fear can do the same to us!

Feb 16, 2020
Steve Fish

We will look into the ugly power of jealousy as we move into Numbers chapter 12.  We will learn that our jealousies sometimes focus us on things that don't matter, and we will see that God has no room for us to be jealous of those who have authority over us.

Feb 09, 2020
Dennis Miller

We jump to chapter 11 of Numbers to hear the people complain “in the desert”.  We are going to learn some good things about complaint — why we often complain, and how we can identify and stop it. 

Feb 02, 2020
Dennis Miller

We begin a series called IN THE DESERT.  In this first study, we will look do an overview of the Book of Numbers as we prepare to study in-depth in the following weeks.