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King Saul: Don't Try This At Home

Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

This conclude our series on King Saul realizing how far he had fallen from his faith.  We see that in Saul’s most desperate hours, he fails to repent and truly seek the Lord. We learn that a pattern throughout life is hard to change, even at the end of life.

Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We continue our series on King Saul by seeing that he could not let go of the past. Even though David had done no wrong to Saul, the king harbored a resentment that he carried throughout his life.  That unnecessary burden of resentment ruined his life, the lives of his family and loved ones, and nearly cost Israel its land.

Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We look at the third major problem in King Saul’s life, JEALOUSY.  We will see that there is good and bad jealousy in life, but that Saul was consumed by the wrong kind.  We will see what caused Saul’s jealousy and how to avoid it in our own lives, so that we DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME.

Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We continue our series on King Saul by studying his faithlessness and foolishness.  On the other hand, his son, Jonathan, is the hero of the story.  We will be reminded that in difficult circumstances, it is often easier to trust your own wisdom, than to seek God’s glory.  

Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We continue our series on King Saul by seeing the first of his faults that we don’t want to follow.  Saul doesn’t seem to understand or appreciate his relationship with God, and he is only partly committed.  He reminds us of many people today.

Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We begin a new series from the Old Testament — a break from Luke for five weeks. In this study, we will look at the life of King Saul.  He was a man with great potential. Unfortunately, he took God’s gifts and misused them. Saul’s problem was not his many failures, but how he dealt with those failures.