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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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King Solomon

Dennis Miller

We finish the KING SOLOMON series by looking at his last days and legacy.  It isn’t pretty!  However, we can learn from the mistakes of others and we are wise to do so.  In this study, we will see Solomon’s own words near the end of his life and see his unfaithful heart.

Jun 18, 2017
Dennis Miller
1st Kings

We continue our Solomon series by seeing his decline from a man of God to a person who has lose his way.  In this study, we will see that in 1 Kings 11, Solomon falls into sin and God removes His blessing.  Solomon’s sin wasn’t deliberate and wasn’t a quick fall, but a slow, steady slide away from God.  It is a sad story, but one where we all can be challenged to be different.

Jun 11, 2017
Dennis Miller
1st Kings

We continue the KING SOLOMON series and see his incredible wealth and fame.  Solomon was successful in almost everything he attempted, but how does a person handle that kind of lifestyle?  That will be our focus.

Jun 04, 2017
Dennis Miller
2nd Kings

We continue our study of KING SOLOMON and see the Temple and his Prayer of Dedication.  This study really helps us understand Solomon’s heart and the period of history that he ruled.  I think you will be encouraged by this study. 

May 28, 2017
Dennis Miller
1st Kings

We continue our Solomon series by looking at his wisdom - which extends over many years of his life.  No one who ever lived was wise like Solomon and it was a gift from God.  In this study we see the source of Solomon’s wisdom, how he used it, and what we can learn for our own lives to act more wisely.

May 21, 2017
Dennis Miller
1st Kings

Today we begin a six-part series on the life of King Solomon.  Our focus, will be on the good things that we learn from this great king.  Although, near the end of the series, we will talk about some of his failures that we want to avoid in our lives.  In this study, we see Solomon’s beginnings as king and the opportunities that were placed before him.