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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Kingdom Thinking

Nov 20, 2016
Dennis Miller

Today we conclude our series on the Kingdom by identifying the
King. Infact,this King, who was announced so at His birth, has been hesitant throughout His ministry to allow anyone to proclaim Him the king. He has said, "tell no one," or "my time has not yet come." But in today's text He boldly proclaims Himself to be the King. 

Steve Fish

Kings are not elected.  Kings are born and appointed.  Jesus’ story in this passage stretches our thinking about our first allegiance.  Do we yet recognize Jesus as the coming king?  We will learn that our lives are expected to be lived in anticipation of His return.

Nov 06, 2016
Steve Fish

Having learned of the blind man’s faith, we now consider a purposeful interaction between Jesus & Zaccheaus.

Zaccheaus sought to see Jesus. Jesus was able to see him in a way no one else did. When others wanted to distance them- selves from Zaccheaus, Jesus was sought to save him.

So, who are you most like? 

Oct 30, 2016
Dennis Miller

Today we continue our Kingdom Thinking and see a blind man that is a picture of salvation. This story is a wonderful contrast to the last two Biblical accounts that we have studied and continues to give us a fuller picture of our Lord's salvation. 

Oct 23, 2016
Dennis Miller

Today we continue our series on Kingdom Thinking by listening to a teaching of Jesus that was shared only with His disciples. Inthis,we see that the plan for taking the Kingdom and ruling it, had always been in place and was no surprise to God. We also see the lack of understanding by the disciples — and by many today. 

Oct 16, 2016
Dennis Miller

Today we continue our series on Kingdom Thinking by looking at a man who is desperate to find eternal life. Jesus doesn’t respond to him as many Christians might today. Infact,atfirst read it seems rude and cold. But Jesus teaches us much in this interaction about what it takes to truly become part of His Kingdom. 

Oct 09, 2016
Dennis Miller

Today we begin a new series that focuses on God’s Kingdom. It is a difficult concept to those of us who have never lived in a monarchy, but was quite common in Jesus’ time. In these seven passages through the end of Luke 19, we see a focus on the Kingdom and how to become a part of it (salvation). In today’s study, we see the importance of coming to the King “like a little child.”