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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Learning With Pictures

Feb 25, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We conclude our series on LEARNING IN PICTURES by looking at the end of Chapter 3.  We will be reminded again about the futility of human wisdom and the foolishness of boasting about human leaders.  Paul is strong in this passage as he wraps up this discussion and gives us some application.

Feb 18, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We continue our series LEARNING IN PICTURES as we see Paul’s description of “building the church.”  He uses some wonderful word pictures to help us understand some difficult concepts.  However, this passage has been one of the most misunderstand and miscommunicated over the centuries.  Hopefully, we can understand it in its proper context together.

Feb 11, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We begin a short 3-week series called LEARNING WITH PICTURES. Maybe Paul realized how difficult chapters 1 & 2 were, so now he uses lots of word pictures to help us understand the message.  In this study, we see the problem of worldliness and the joy of being a servant of God.