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Married or Single

Aug 12, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We conclude our MARRIED OR SINGLE series by looking at direction for singles.  It is a difficult portion of Scripture to understand in some ways,  but it gives clear and practical instruction.

Q&A Video

Aug 05, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We move over to the fourth part of our MARRIED OR SINGLE series to see what God says about contentment.  The passage, with a little explanation, is simple to follow but wonderfully deep in its explanation.  This is one of the many masterpieces of Paul’s writing.

Jul 29, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We continue our series on MARRIED OR SINGLE and look at the issue of divorce and remarriage.  We also see the very practical discussion of what happens when a Christian is married to an unbeliever.  I think that this study will help you answer a lot of the questions that you may have on this topic.  That’s not to say that we will LIKE all of the answers, but I think they’re pretty clear.

Q&A Video

Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We continue our MARRIED OR SINGLE study by looking at Paul’s first words of instruction in response to a letter from Corinth.  The purpose is to avoid the extremes of certain Jews (you HAVE to be married), and certain Greeks (you must remain single) within the church body.  This instruction is clear and compelling!

Q&A Video

Jul 15, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We begin a new 5-part series from 1 Corinthians 7.  We will call the series, MARRIED OR SINGLE, but it is all about relationships and contentment.  It is one of the most difficult chapters to read and understand on the surface, but once you understand what is behind this chapter, it should make a load of sense and should provide lots of practical application for relationships of all kind.  This week, we will talk about the historical and literary context to prepare us to dig in to 1 Corinthians 7.