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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Prophet Samuel

Jun 24, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We conclude our series on the PROPHET SAMUEL. We see him after he has died as he speaks one last time to King Saul.  Most importantly, we will try to understand why God would include this story in Scripture and what we can learn and apply from it.

Jun 17, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We come to the 6th part in our seven-part study of the Prophet Samuel.  In 1 Samuel 16, God tells Samuel to go anoint a new king (even though there is a current one).  Of course, Samuel is a bit leery of this, but God gives him direction and he is faithful. We will also see that in a very short span of Scripture (the first half of 1 Samuel) we have seen four men who are struggling to be good dads.  It’s not an easy job. 

Jun 10, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We move to the fifth message in the Samuel series and we watch the Prophet Samuel confront King Saul for his disobedience. We learn a lot about dealing with sin and the nature of God in this chapter.

Jun 03, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

Even though Samuel was a very effective Judge over Israel, the people of Israel wanted a king “like other nations.” It certainly didn’t make Samuel happy that they were rejecting the Lord as their king, but with the Lord’s guidance, Samuel handed his power to the first king of Israel, Saul. But they way this was done was extremely clever and helped everyone understand the seriousness of their choice. This text, 1 Samuel 12, is not a popular or well-known chapter, but once understood, it helps everyone understand the people are the PROBLEM and God is the SOLUTION. This is our fourth study in the life of the PROPHET SAMUEL.

May 27, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We continue our series on the Prophet Samuel by learning about his great influence over a nation’s repentance and his unique way of reminding the people of God’s victory.  Many of you have sung the hymn, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”  The second verse contains the seemingly strange line, “Here I raise mine Ebenezer.”  This weekend we will understand this line and its importance to Israel — and to us today.

May 20, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We continue our series on Samuel by looking at his call by God in a very dark time.  Samuel was just a boy but he was old enough to listen and respond.  One of the unique aspects of this chapter is that it is a literal account of what was happening in Israel, but it is also figurative in a spiritual sense.  If you want to be really prepared for our study this weekend, please read 1 Samuel 2 and then 1 Samuel 3.

May 13, 2018
Dennis Miller
1st Samuel

We begin a series on the PROPHET SAMUEL and learn about being a person of Godly character.  This first study actually takes place before Samuel was born as we see his mom, Hannah, pray for a son.  Samuel became one of the most important men in Israel and in the Bible.  We will learn lots of good things about him that we can hopefully incorporate into our own lives.