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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Raised To Life

Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We conclude our study of 1 Corinthians 15 and Paul’s wonderful study of the resurrection. In the last eight verses of the chapter, Paul explains one more “mystery,” and then explains the victory that has been won through Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. Lastly, we see a couple lessons for living with this realization.

Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We move to a new question concerning the resurrection: what will our new bodies be like? This is a question that most of us have thought about, and Paul takes considerable time and space to give a solid answer. We will follow Paul’s sharp logic as we explore this text to learn about our future bodies.

Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We look at some very difficult verses that have many possible interpretations. We will look at some of
the possible views, but the key thought is that the belief in the resurrection is what drives us, as Christians. We will look at Paul’s arguments and try to understand how it affects our faith today.

Dennis Miller
1st Corinthians

We begin a four-week series that culminates on Easter Sunday.  During these four sermons, we will examine the importance of the resurrection, and the reason that we should hold to it, according to the Apostle Paul.  In this study, we will see the importance of the word, “BUT;” and we will understand better, three reasons why Christ had to rise from the dead!