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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Steve Fish

We have come to the close of this series of messages. For the past four weeks we have learned to apply some practical steps to help us mature in our daily Christian walk. Today Jesus’ words turn personal and poignant.
While this concluding message may be less pragmatic, it will stretch us to consider the strength of our heart felt affection for Jesus. For what do you watch?

Dennis Miller

Today we look at the topic of READINESS as we are reminded of the Lords’ return. How does a Christian stay READY? Jesus explains that we different examples that makes this lesson practical.

Dennis Miller

Today we deal with the topic that causes so many people to struggle — fear and worry. In this study, we will see why Jesus tells us that we don’t have to worry and then we will provide some practical steps to deal with fear. This is one of the best passages in the Bible to understand why we worry, and why we don’t need to worry!

Dennis Miller

Today we continue our STAND series, which is a reminder of how mature believers live. In this text, we learn that mature believers are GENEROUS. There is no problem with having wealth, as long as your desire is to be generous, and to be "rich towards God.”

Steve Fish

We learned in Luke 11 that Jesus’ words were offensive to those who would not believe in Him.  The tension His words created became the fuel to ignite stronger opposition against Him.  Today we will focus on Jesus’ warnings and encouragements as incentives for mature discipleship - we who follow Jesus may expect to be persecuted for our belief in Him.  How will we respond?  Today be challenged to stand boldly in the face of opposition.