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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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Testing Jesus

Feb 12, 2017
Dennis Miller

We conclude our TESTING JESUS series by looking at Jesus’ teaching about the end of time in response to questions from His disciples. We will see the order of the things that will happen in the last days, and we will learn about what to do to prepare for these things.This is a long passage of Scripture to study in one lesson, but we will see an overview of some critical teaching. 

Feb 05, 2017
Steve Fish

God is not impressed by the things that men find impressive. Today, we will see that Jesus offered a word, a warning, and a lesson about a widow to help us understand that God is searching beyond outward appearances which so impress others. 

Jan 29, 2017
Steve Fish

Some of the Sadducees asked Jesus a question. While it may seem it was about marriage, we will learn today that this question became a final attempt to undermine Jesus’ authority. In His answer we learn some about the nature of resurrection and more about Jesus being the cornerstone of life and truth. 

Jan 22, 2017
Dennis Miller

As we continue our study of people TESTING JESUS, we come to a question that was considered to be unanswerable. This question is pertinent today as people talk about high taxes. Jesus answered with a sentence that amazed His enemies and helps us to understand our indebtedness to our government and our God. 

Jan 15, 2017
Dennis Miller

In today’s study, Jesus tests the religious leaders by telling a parable that covers the story of the Old Testament. He also proclaims Himself the Cornerstone of the Jews and the Church. Remembering His death & resurrection in Holy Communion will be our way of applying the knowledge that He is our Cornerstone & without Him there is only brokenness. 

Jan 08, 2017
Dennis Miller

We continue our study of the “testing of Jesus,” as we see the Jewish leaders of "greatest earthly spiritual authority” asking Jesus where He gets His authority. Jesus is now dealing with the smartest Biblical people on the planet but He asks them a question and stumps them.  In this, we see that His authority is from above.

Jan 01, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today we begin a new sermon series that shows how fearful Jesus’ enemies were, and yet, how wise Jesus is. Throughout these passages we see people desperately trying to stump Jesus with questions that seem unanswerable — and yet, He makes them look foolish with His answers.We begin with the story of the 12-year-old Jesus at the Temple.