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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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The End and the Beginning

May 07, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today we conclude our series and also conclude the study of Luke which began on November 30, 2014. In this study, we see Jesus ascending into heaven and the disciples preparing for the Holy Spirit and the new “church.” We will also take some time to review the things that we’ve learned in the Gospel of Luke. 

Apr 30, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today we watch the Emmaus friends rush back to Jerusalem to tell their story, but they are too late. In this passage, Jesus shows His scars to the Apostles and confirms His resurrection. And we finally see the disciples “get it.” 

Apr 23, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today we see the resurrected Jesus take a walk with some of His followers. Even though they are kept from identifying Him immediately, they are taught by Him and it all begins to make sense. This account is a rare glimpse into the way that Jesus revealed Himself following the resurrection, and it is the beginning of belief. 

Apr 16, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today we continue our series on Beginnings, by looking at the Beginning of Life. The resurrection of Jesus was a victory for Him, but it was also a great victory for all of us who follow Him. Because He lives, we too shall live — even after death!

Apr 14, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today, on Good Friday, we continue our series on Luke and how Luke shows us the reactions of those who watched Jesus die.

Apr 09, 2017
Dennis Miller

Today we begin the last series of our study of the Gospel of Luke. In this six- weeks series, we see that the END is really the BEGINNING. We will learn that unlike other biographies where death is the end, in this story, it is just the beginning of many things that we still enjoy and celebrate today. In this study, we see the beginning of HOPE. 

Nov 27, 2011
Dennis Miller

This message finishes our two-year study of the Gospel of John. We now see the last change that the disciples have to process; now they are the “doers.” When Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave His followers the responsibility to continue His work. That responsibility is ours today. This is a well-known passage where Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” But this passage speaks clearly to every believer about our role in the kingdom.