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The Heart - Understanding Jesus

Dennis Miller

We are reminded that it is NOT what we know, but what we DO that makes us true disciples.  Jesus uses a masterful illustration to close His teaching, encouraging people to apply it.

Dennis Miller

We look at a very popular topic that the world seems to misunderstand about Christianity.  Jesus teaches us not to be condemning, but to be discerning.

Dennis Miller

We come to an easier passage to understand, but much more difficult to implement. We continue the "heart of hearts" of Kingdom teching, and realize that this "love enemies" command may be the toughest for Christians to obey.

Dennis Miller

We come to one of the most misunderstood passages in the Gospels.  We will first see the men that Jesus called to serve beside Him, but then we will see the attitude that Jesus expects of all of us!

Jason Holliday

We see another contrast between the religion of the Pharisees and the heart of Jesus.  As Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus shows us a new way of relating to God and furthering His kingdom.

Dennis Miller

We are reminded that Christianity is a relationship that needs to be celebrated — not dreaded.  We will see two parables that help us understand the principle of “new wine in new wineskins."

Dennis Miller

We begin our third series in the Gospel of Luke by seeing THE HEART OF JESUS’ MINISTRY.  In this series, we learn what Jesus is all about and we see Him become more proactive in Kingdom teaching.  In this first study, we see that He can’t do anything for “righteous people” but only for those who know themselves to be sinners.