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The Peak

Sep 19, 2021
Dennis Miller

We conclude our series on THE PEAK by seeing Simon Peter’s words, “You are the Messiah.” We will see WHY this is so important and HOW it changes everything going forward. It will again remind us of Mark’s wonderful writing, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Sep 12, 2021
Dennis Miller

THIS WEEKEND We look at the second feeding miracle of Jesus, The Feeding of the 4,000. We will understand why Jesus feed groups twice — as there was a very intentional purpose. And we will see that the disciples are still not understanding the depths of His teaching.

Sep 05, 2021
Dennis Miller

THIS WEEKEND We continue our series on THE PEAK of Jesus’ ministry and look at two miracles that were performed among the Gentiles. Jesus keeps showing the people of His day that “what was unclean is now clean!”

Aug 29, 2021
Dennis Miller

We look at the hand-washing tradition of the Jewish people and how traditions can sometimes cause us to miss the main point.  We see Jesus’ powerful and novel teaching about traditions vs. Scripture.  (Can touching something or eating something make you spiritually unclean?) This is the third study in our series, THE PEAK.

Aug 22, 2021
Dennis Miller

We study one of the most famous miracles of Jesus — walking on the water.  Many Christians don’t understand the purpose of this miracle: was Jesus just showing off?  We will see WHY Jesus walked on water and HOW this continues to prove that He is God. 

Aug 15, 2021
Dennis Miller

We begin a new series that includes six accounts that represent the PEAK of Jesus’ ministry (from an earthly perspective).  These are some of our favorite passages in the Gospels! This week, we study the famous story of the FEEDING OF THE 5,000 and will see what I believe to be some new thoughts.  We will close our service with Holy Communion.