This message concludes the POWER PART 2 series by looking at the raising of a dead girl. The account is amazing for the many different kinds of lessons it teaches. We will also learn some interesting perspectives about Mark’s use of the “sandwich.”
We are at the third account of the POWER PART 2 series as we see the woman who touched the hem of His cloak. Although a child could read this and understand the point—as always, there are some hidden gems that we need to “mine” to find. And it is pretty amazing! We are also going to learn about Mark’s unique writing style that makes his Gospel unique!
This message starts a four-part series on THE POWER OF JESUS (Part 2). In the earlier POWER series, we saw that when Jesus performed a miracle, people were amazed! With the miracles we are about to study, we see that the people were AFRAID! These four miracles show POWER in the following ways: Over Nature, Over Thousands of Demons at One Time, Over Disease (through “stealing” a miracle, and Over Death. These four are mind-blowing! This message looks at His POWER over Nature.