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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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The Wrath and the Way

Apr 08, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message talks about a different holiday than what you might expect, Firstfruits. We’ll learn about God’s plan for the resurrection of His Son through the celebration of an annual harvest festival. In all of this, we again see the sovereignty of God. 

Apr 01, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message shows the amazing story of the Passover Lamb and understand the connection with Jesus as our Lamb. We see that God gave His people a detailed calendar for the purpose of celebration and hope and then gave very specific instructions on how to celebrate their new holidays. In this passage, our faith can be encouraged as we see that God's eternal plan was for His Son to "the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world."

Mar 25, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message will look at two major thoughts from the eleventh chapter of Exodus.  First of all, that God changes hearts and prepares people to do His will.  This happens to everyone in our story.  Secondly, we see that Moses becomes very angry at Pharaoh.  We will learn that Moses had an anger problem, but sometimes his anger was appropriate.  This is one of those times.  We will talk about righteous anger and how to channel it.  

Mar 18, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message looks at the plagues that devastated Egypt as Jehovah attacks the gods of the Egyptians. We will learn of God's power and the futility of trying to compromise with God. We will look at 8 of the ten plagues and see the desire of God to show Himself to be the true God while releasing His people.  

Mar 11, 2012
Dennis Miller

This message begins a new series that will lead us through Easter.  In it, we will see that God is willing to pour out His wrath on those who oppose Him.  And yet, He often provides a way out, for those who will bow to Him.  In today's text, we see the plan that God has to release His people from the bonds of slavery and we see the beginning of those plans through the first plague.  We will learn that it is unwise to harden your heart towards God.