We wrap up the This is Us series where we will revisit our theme of His Word, Our Walk and the 7 Core Values that make up who we are as a body of believers.
This weekend we'll examine our seventh and last core value at ECC. Emmanuel Community Church is Courageous. We're called to do difficult things, and often we don't feel very courageous. So how do we shift from fear or frustration to biblical courage? We'll look to Psalm 46 to see what the Lord has to say about shifting into calm courage.
This week, we'll see that God has called us to be a church that is Missional and how that drives us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Fort Wayne and around the world.
In this message, we continue exploring our core values in our series "This is Us." Our fifth core value is that ECC is "Transformational." As we dig into what that means, we'll see that God has called each of us to a life of personal growth and change that runs deeper than we might expect.
This weekend, we'll work through our fourth core value at Emmanuel, being RELATIONAL. We'll see that seeking to build healthy relationships - as messy and challenging as they can be - is central to what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
We will be focusing on our third core value of authentic living. We strive to be open and honest about ourselves, taking off the masks we might be used to wearing.
In this message, we will heat up our second core value - that Emmanuel always strives to be Biblical. We'll spend most of our time exploring 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and see how it describes the way the Bible gives us traction for life.
This weekend, we will explore our first core value in Colossians 1:13-20 and recognize that first and foremost Emmanuel is Christ-centered.
We will kick off our series, "This is Us" with a look at our purpose as a church. We'll explore some of the key passages that have informed our purpose from the beginning. And we’ll see what's behind our overarching theme, "His Word, Our Walk."