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True Nature

Steve Fish

“Freedom is not free.”  U.S.A.F. Colonel Walter Hitchcock first expressed these words a few decades ago.  Centuries ago, Jesus turned to those who followed him and taught them to count the cost of discipleship.  As independence is celebrated this weekend, we will be reminded of God’s expectations for those who depend on freedom in Christ.

Steve Fish

Picture the nicest meal or greatest banquet.  See the attention to detail.  Imagine the sights, smells, and tastes.  See the people!  Around the table of a prominent pharisee Jesus teaches us about God’s willingness to invite all people to His table.  Today, we focus on God’s goodness who blesses even when provoked.

Dennis Miller

Today we look at four stories that are connected, but are also able to stand alone. For the most part, they center around a meal and a wonderful lesson taught by Jesus. The Pharisees had a plan, but Jesus had a better plan, and in this study, we will be reminded of His authority and our humility.

Dennis Miller

Today we look at two parables to help us understand the Kingdom of God.  
At first glance, they are simple, but as we dig deeper, we find great meaning.  
We also learn about who gets into the kingdom, and sometimes it isn’t pretty.

Dennis Miller

We continue our study of God’s True Nature by looking at His MERCY.  In this story, we see that mercy is more important than rules.  This is a simple story of Jesus healing, but it teaches us again that He cares for His children.

Dennis Miller

Today we start a new series from Luke 13 and 14, and learn that the parables of Jesus teach us much about the nature of God.
In this first study, we will see how patient God is with us -- far more so than we deserve.   And we see our responsibility to Him.