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Dive Into the Sermons

under each series, you will find recorded sermon messages with corresponding resources (notes and audio). The recordings that are posted under each series are of the sermon message only. 
If you want to watch a recent live broadcast of the entire worship service (including music and stage presentations), click HERE.
Dennis Miller

We finish the KING SOLOMON series by looking at his last days and legacy.  It isn’t pretty!  However, we can learn from the mistakes of others and we are wise to do so.  In this study, we will see Solomon’s own words near the end of his life and see his unfaithful heart.

Aug 13, 2017
Dennis Miller
Song of Solomon

We continue the You Asked for It series by responding to five different requests concerning the Song of Songs.  We will look at the various ways the book has been understood and also try to understand the value of the book today.

Song of Songs Q & A Video

May 22, 2022
Dennis Miller

We conclude our series on Isaiah 53 by looking at the last three verses. We return to the LORD as the speaker as He tells us of His “righteous servant.” Learning these verses has encouraged my faith as I see that everything that happened to Jesus was part of God’s master plan. It is AMAZING! I look forward to sharing it with you — but read ahead!

May 15, 2022
Dennis Miller

This weekend we learn about the sacrifice of the LAMB that was slain for us in verses Isaiah 53 7-9.

May 08, 2022
Dennis Miller

We continue our study of Isaiah 53 this weekend by looking at verses 4-6. This is considered the peak and the very heart of the entire study of Isaiah 52 and 53. This is a special and fascinating passage, one that should be put to memorization!

To watch past weekend services including worship click HERE

Fill out your eCard by clicking HERE

Downloadable PDF of ISAIAH 53

May 01, 2022
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on THE FIFTH GOSPEL and we see that the Messiah is considered repulsive by many. The reason for that is He is considered of no importance. In fact, He is viewed as a “sucker plant” that is only good for destruction. It is hard to imagine that this “worthless” person could change the world. But He did!

To watch past weekend services including worship click HERE

Fill out your eCard by clicking HERE

Downloadable PDF of ISAIAH 53

Apr 02, 2021
Dennis Miller

For this Good Friday message, we will continue to see that Everything that happened in the first Holy Week was part of God’s plan.  Isaiah 53 is often called the Suffering Savior chapter.  It is also known as the “forbidden chapter.” (not read in the synagogues.). But, for Christians, Isaiah should be called the “first Gospel.”  It contains the birth, life, perfection, suffering, rejection, death, resurrection and the glory of the Messiah.

Dec 30, 2018
Dennis Miller

This weekend, we will tweak the Christmas series a bit and focus on YOU Shall Be Called.  We have learned the names for Jesus and how meaningful they are.  What if you could give yourself a nickname to define your good qualities or characteristics? What would that name be?  We will look at name changes and think about how each of us could set a “new name” for ourselves for 2019. I think you’ll find the concept interesting and challenging.

Dec 23, 2018
Dennis Miller

This weekend, we conclude our Christmas series by looking at the fourth name of Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 — Prince of Peace.  We will be reminded that in these four names, that Jesus provides all that we need. 

Dec 16, 2018
Dennis Miller

We move to the third name of the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6, Everlasting Father, and we see why that name is important to us today.

Dec 09, 2018
Dennis Miller

We continue our study of the HE SHALL BE CALLED but looking at the need for a Mighty God.

Dec 02, 2018
Dennis Miller

We continue our HE SHALL BE CALLED series by looking at the name Wonderful Counselor.

Nov 25, 2018
Dennis Miller

We begin a series called, HE SHALL BE CALLED as we look at four nicknames for Jesus.  This week we will learn what happened in leading up to this famous text.  Then, each week we will focus on one name as we move towards Christmas.

Dennis Miller

Probably the question that I get most often recently is, Are We Living in the Last Days?  Because of what is happening around the world, many people are wondering if this could be the time spoken about by Jesus and the prophets.  In this message, we will do a Bible study to look at the prophecies, and how they are being fulfilled.  And, we will look at a Christian’s responsibility towards the end of times.

Mar 28, 2021
Dennis Miller

This message kicks off a 3-part series for Holy Week on the topic, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.  It takes a look at the Old Testament and teaches that everything that happened 2,000 years ago was part of the plan.  You will find it encouraging to read these prophecies and fulfillment.  This message focuses on Daniel chapter 2. 

Jan 26, 2014
Dennis Miller

We conclude a four-week study of one of the great verses in all of Scripture, Micah 6:8.  The third of God’s requirements for his people, is to “walk humbly” with Him.  Again, many times people focus on the word “humbly,” but I would suggest that the word “walk” should be our key word.  In this study we will try to understand what it takes to walk humbly with our God.

Jan 19, 2014
Dennis Miller

We continue in our study of Micah 6:8 by looking at the second thing that “really matters to God.” This second word is MERCY, and it is another word that is difficult to translate from Hebrew to English as we don’t have a word quite like it. However, we can see both descriptions and illustrations that help us to know what it means and how to live as people of mercy. After all, if it matters to God, it should matter to us!

Jan 12, 2014
Dennis Miller

In both the English and Hebrew languages, the word JUSTICE, can have multiple meanings. When Micah declared that one of the things “that the Lord is requiring of you,” is JUSTICE, it seems that we’d better know exactly what that means. In Micah 6:8, there are three qualities that God “requires” of us, and these will be our topics for the coming weeks. This week, we learn about three different meanings and usages for the word JUSTICE, and hopefully find an understanding of the meaning used here.


This week we will explore the theme of God's glory and its implications to us. The LORD has designed for His glory to be spread throughout the whole earth since the days of Adam and Eve, and it is just as true today. Where do we see this in the Bible? What is our role in all of this? Let's find out together.

Mar 29, 2024
Dennis Miller

Today, we will look at The Road to Suffering.

*There are no fill-in-the-blank notes for our Good Friday service*

Mar 17, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

This week, we wrap up our series, How to Make Peace. We spent two of our three weeks focused on the first step God gives us in Matthew 18:15-17 because it's the most important step. Now it's time to touch on the remaining three steps of peacemaking as we learn to "widen the circle."

Mar 10, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

We'll continue into our second week of a short series called "How to Make Peace." Matthew 18:15-17 gives us a four-step model for addressing someone who has sinned against us. But step one is so important, we'll be spending another weekend unpacking it together before we move on to the rest of the steps next week.

Link to APPLICATION tools: Conflict Field Guide      Link to purchase The Peacemaker book

Mar 03, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

We'll begin a short series called "How to Make Peace" and begin working through Matthew 18:15-17 to discover some simple functions that lead to an uncommon peace.

Link to APPLICATION tools:     Conflict Field Guide     Link to purchase The Peacemaker book

Dec 24, 2023
Dennis Miller Joshua Wilhite

We conclude our series on THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS by looking at the Babe in the Genealogy. The genealogy of Matthew helps us understand how really special this Christ Child was!

*There are no fill-in-the-blank notes for this weekend's sermon*

Dec 17, 2023
Joshua Wilhite

We will continue our series, THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, by taking a look at TWO FAMOUS DADS. We'll see that their track record as everyday dads is just as complicated as anyone else's. And we'll see that behind these two simple names in the genealogy of Jesus, there is a deep message of encouragement for all of us.

Dec 10, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS by looking at the THREE ERAS emphasized by the genealogy in Matthew. This is one of the most interesting studies when you begin to learn the “code” to unpacking Matthew’s message. This week we learn that God is the God of FOREVER!

Dec 03, 2023
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on the FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS by looking at the four women who are mentioned in the genealogy. Not only is it unusual, but it teaches us some wonderful lessons.

Nov 26, 2023
Dennis Miller

This weekend, we begin a Christmas series entitled THE FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS. We will play off the popular song that counts down from 12 to one as we look at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1. This week’s focus is FIVE GOLDEN KINGS.

Jun 03, 2023
Dennis Miller
Matthew Mark Luke John

We continue our study of WOMEN OF FAITH by looking at MARY MAGDALENE. She was a woman of incredible devotion but is almost always seen as just “part of the crowd.” She is one of those people who always seems to be part of the story but never the subject. If that last sentence describes you, this study could be very encouraging!

Jan 01, 2023
Dennis Miller

We finish our series GIVING CHRISTMAS by reflecting on what we learned from the Magi and how we can apply that to our lives in 2023.

Nov 27, 2022
Dennis Miller

We begin a new 6-part series called GIVING CHRISTMAS.  The backdrop will be the Magi of Matthew’s gospel, but the focus will be on how we can give better gifts — not just at Christmas, but as a daily practice. 

Jul 03, 2022
Frank Y.

As Christians, we declare that Jesus is the Son of God and that we want to follow Him. But what does following Jesus really look like? We’ll explore what it means to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him. Through God’s Word, we’ll see that it's not a call to simply do more or try harder, but to rest in His love and allow the Lord to empower us to live a victorious life! 

May 10, 2020
Dennis Miller

We study the third commandment about the importance of God’s Name.  This may be the toughest commandment on the first tablet for today’s Christians.  The key to this study is to learn what it means to “take up” God’s Name.

May 03, 2020
Dennis Miller

We move to the second commandment in our series and learn what God means when He warns us about “making images and bowing down to them.”  This is a very practical commandment even 3,000 years after it was given.

Apr 19, 2020
Dennis Miller

We conclude our series on TWO PATHS by looking at Judas Iscariot and Simon Peter.  We are reminded that they both made HUGE mistakes, but that it isn’t the sin, but how we respond that matters.  

Dec 29, 2019
Gary Dilley

December 27-28, 2019

Dec 15, 2019
Dennis Miller

We see the third angel appearance in a visit to Joseph and we learn that God really cares about those He has created.

Sep 22, 2019
Dennis Miller

We conclude our series on the Beatitudes by looking at the “extra” Beatitude (or the wrap-up) that Jesus gave us.  This last statement has great hope and joy!

Sep 15, 2019
Steve Fish

We are challenged to understand why Jesus said that we could be happy to be persecuted.  No rational person wants to be persecuted.  We are not expected to be radicals to invoke persecution.  Happiness is found in persecution only when we share in the suffering of Jesus.

Sep 08, 2019
Gary Dilley

We’re living in a world and a time that is very good at dividing people, but not very skilled or inclined at uniting people. This beatitude speaks directly to our life and times, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.” We want to be skilled peacemakers! This weekend's beatitude tells us that when we bring people together, we resemble our Father in heaven.

Sep 01, 2019
Dennis Miller

We move to the sixth Beatitude. This is the one that really doesn’t seem to fit into Jesus’ teaching or the chart — at first glance.  It is the one that makes little sense if you don’t take time to really study it.  Take a look at this and think about what it means to you, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” To many, it probably will be confusing and counter-productive.  We will learn all about it this weekend!

Beatitudes Journal

Aug 25, 2019
Dennis Miller

We continue our Beatitude series by starting the second set of four Beatitudes.  This weekend, we look at being merciful and what that really means.  

Beatitudes Journal

Aug 18, 2019
Dennis Miller

We move to the fourth Beatitude and learn about righteousness.  We will see that the progression of our faith continues as we seek to live in purity.  This may be my personal favorite of the Beatitudes because it is choosing to live rightly — it is not commanded!

Beatitude Journal

Aug 11, 2019
Dennis Miller

We continue our Beatitude series by looking at the third Beatitude and being reminded of the progression that Jesus teaches.  Once you realize that you have nothing to offer God towards salvation (Beatitude #1) and then mourn over your sin (Beatitude #2), the next step is to yield control to Christ and others (Beatitude #3).  Meekness has become a bad word in our society but you will see this weekend, that God thinks it is a good thing.

Aug 04, 2019
Gary Dilley

We continue our Beatitude series with the idea of “mourning over sin” and how the Lord brings comfort.  This will be a wonderful reminder that you don’t hear anywhere today but from God’s Word.

Beatitudes Journal

Jul 28, 2019
Dennis Miller

We continue our study of the Beatitudes and study the first one after doing an overview last week. We will be reminded that Jesus has accomplished everything for us (as we learned a few years ago in Colossians — Jesus + Nothing = Salvation).

Beatitudes Journal

Jul 21, 2019
Dennis Miller

We begin a summer series called “The Secret of Happiness” as we study The Beatitudes in great detail.  This weekend, we will do an overview of the Beatitudes which will help us find context for this amazing section of Scripture. 

Beatitudes Journal

Jul 14, 2019
Steve Fish

This weekend, we wrap up this short series on the Parable of the Sower.  We will examine each type of soil the seed was scattered upon.  Our study will help us to understand what keeps people from following Jesus.  It should also challenge us to consider how we can best align our hearts fully with the purposes of God’s will.

Jul 07, 2019
Steve Fish

This week we will look at Matthew 13:1-17. We focus on the question the disciples asked Jesus, "Why do you teach in parables?" We will find that those who seek the Truth, live a privileged and abundant life.

Mar 04, 2018
Daniel Henderson

It is with great pleasure we welcome Dr. Daniel Henderson to ECC this weekend and pray that you also will find his encouragement for worship-based prayer a blessing!

Dec 31, 2017
Dennis Miller

Pastor Denny's Preview

Dec 24, 2017
Dennis Miller

Pastor Denny's Preview

Dec 17, 2017
Dennis Miller

Pastor Denny's Preview

Dec 10, 2017
Dennis Miller

Pastor Denny's Preview

Dec 03, 2017
Dennis Miller

We begin a four-week series on Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus.  We will learn that he wasn’t forgotten by God and we aren’t either. 

Pastor Denny's Preview

Nov 26, 2017
Steve Fish

This message will investigate what the Scriptures teach about welcoming the stranger. God sent both the people of Israel and Jesus through Egypt on the way to completing His plan of salvation. He sent them to a land where they were aliens and strangers. As we thankfully consider all of the blessings that are ours in Christ, let us remember that all of us were at one time alienated from God. 

Dennis Miller

Today we celebrate Mother’s Day by taking a break from the Luke series and looking at a very special mom.  This woman was willing to risk everything for the sake of her daughter, which is likely true of most moms.  But the way she approaches Jesus and the things she says, make us both smile and cheer.  Today we take a moment to remember the beauty of motherhood.

Dennis Miller

Today we conclude our series by looking at the main reason that people would reject — the story of the resurrection. If it really happened, it is the most amazing event in history!  In our study, we will look at evidence that helps us understand the reasons why we would believe this incredible Easter story.

Dennis Miller

Today we begin a short Holy Week series that will look at four of the major reasons that people have rejected Jesus throughout the generations. In this study, we will see how the Bible depicts Jesus as sinless and determine how we should respond to this.

Apr 05, 2015
Dennis Miller

We come to a passage that, at first, will seem a bit odd to read on Easter Sunday. But we will be reminded that almost every great victory is preceded by great determination. On the night before He died, Jesus had the choice to take the difficult path, drink the cup, or not. We can only celebrate an empty tomb because of the empty cup!

Mar 29, 2015
Dennis Miller

We start a three-part focus on the words, “The Cup,” and particularly what Jesus meant by this phrase. We see Jesus use these words several times in Scripture, without really explaining their meaning.  In the passage, he asks disciples if they can drink from “the cup,” and obviously, they don’t understand His meaning either. We will continue to look at these words on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

Jan 11, 2015
Dennis Miller

We look further at the topic of INVESTING, by being reminded of how to handle our RESOURCES.  These resources include many things: money, time, talents, gifts, etc., but the bottom line is that we invest them wisely.  This can be a delicate topic, but it is one of the core issues for Christians and the Bible has much to say!

Jan 05, 2014
Dennis Miller

Near the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus listed seven “Woes” to the church people of that day.  It seems that they had totally misconstrued what God really wanted from them.  So Jesus made it perfectly clear!  The fourth specific scolding is a wonderful reminder of the three things that really matter to God.  Everything else is secondary.  As we start a new year, let’s focus on those things that are most important.

* Click here to download this weekends Keynote.

Dec 22, 2013
Dennis Miller

There are times that we look around and feel like our life really isn’t that important. Does it even matter that I’ve lived on this planet? Have I made a difference in the lives of others? The good news is that even though we sometimes don’t recognize it, our lives do matter — to God and to others. In this message, we will learn about the importance of every life.

Dennis Miller

We begin a four-week series where we will study the conversations that Jesus had with outsiders.  From these, we can learn how to have better dialogue with our neighbors.  In this study, we look at a woman in great need and how Jesus responds to her.

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