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Just a reminder that on Sunday, August 4th our first service time changes from 9:30 am to 9:00 am.  Our other services (Saturday at 6:00 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am) remain the same.

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The Law of Love

Apr 07, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

We will return to our series through Romans 12-15, called The Law of Love. We'll close out this series with a look at Paul's call to heat up our value of participating in God's global mission. 

*Please note the first 8 sermons were on January 7th - February 25th. We took a short break for a mini series and then Holy Week. To see the complete sermon series of The Law of Love, please click here

Feb 25, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

We will take the posture of a younger sibling as we listen to Paul's personal account of his experience as a minister of the gospel. We'll learn about how we can view ourselves as ministers, how we can measure our success, and how we can fuel our passion as followers of Jesus as we live out the gospel.

Links to APPLICATION tools:   Spiritual Gifts Assessment           Spiritual Conversation Video

Feb 18, 2024
Dennis Miller

We finish the “mini-series” on the weaker brother and learn how important it is to be a true brother or sister in Christ and watch out for one another.

Feb 11, 2024
Dennis Miller

Although it is a common concept throughout the New Testament, it is spelled out in Romans 14 like nowhere else in Scripture. It is the idea that we have freedom in anything as long as we put other believers above our own needs and wants. The world thinks it’s CRAZY! Paul says it’s essential.

Feb 04, 2024
Dennis Miller

We continue our series on The Law of Love by looking at a weaker and stronger brother in the faith. And you might be a bit surprised as to which one of these two you really are. The Apostle Paul spends a whole chapter explaining this issue to us, and we will study the first half of the church this week.

Jan 28, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

This weekend we'll step into the fourth week of our series, The Law of Love. It's in Romans 13:8-14 that Paul anchors our whole series around this idea of what it takes to be truly healthy and fully alive in Christ.

Jan 21, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

This weekend we will continue our series, The Law of Love by following Paul as he explores the way the gospel informs our relationship to governing authorities. It's a conversation that will challenge our ideas about submission and reframe our approach to civil authorities. That's a big deal at any time, but even more so as we move into an election year.

Jan 14, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

We will continue our series, The Law of Love, by following along with Paul as he adds another layer to his application of the gospel. Last week, we were challenged with a new attitude toward ourselves, a new approach to the Christian community, and a new action of loving service to others. Paul's next step will be to challenge our ideas of what is possible in our lives. In Christ, we can reflect on what is good more than we realize. And in Christ, we can overcome evil in ways we might have never imagined.

Jan 07, 2024
Joshua Wilhite

We begin a new series this weekend where we will see Paul address areas of renewal. We will learn that our attitude, approach, and actions are the keys to living out the gospel.